

       Drivers are being warned not to drive off roads marked with yellow and white zig-zag lines. The meaning of the yellow zig-zag lines on the roads has been revealed, with drivers and motorists across the UK being warned that parking on them could result in a fine.
       The general rule is no. Yellow and white zigzag road markings mean that parking is prohibited. Therefore, it can lead to fines and deductions. Yellow zigzags require signs to be legally binding, but white zigzags are enforced by city councils and local police.
       Yellow zig-zag road markings are a civil matter, not a criminal one. The Metropolitan Police website explains: “The entrances and exits of most schools in the UK have yellow zig-zag road markings with the words ‘School Keep Out’.”
       ”Zig-zag signs are also placed at the entrances and exits of hospitals, fire stations, police stations and ambulance stations. They indicate sections of the road where drivers should not wait, stop or park their vehicles. Sometimes there may be accompanying signs indicating the specific times these restrictions apply.
       ”The law allows drivers to park on zig-zag roads outside the specified time.” The Highway Code states: “Other road markings have a limited time, indicated on adjacent number plates or on signs indicating the entry to controlled parking zones.
       ”Unless there is a date on the sign, the restriction applies every day, including Sundays and public holidays.” Once you receive a penalty notice (PCN), you will have to pay a fine of £130 for a serious parking offence, or £40-£80 for a less serious offence – although this amount can vary depending on the council.
       To reduce the fine, you can pay within 14 days. Fines vary by location, but parking in restricted areas near schools usually attracts higher fines. Fines issued by the police are usually between £50 and £100, while fines issued by local authorities are usually £50 or £70.

Post time: Feb-26-2025