Glass Beads for New Jersey
The required glass beads shall have an index of refraction of 1.5 when tested by the
immersion method at 25°C (77°F). The glass beads shall be surface treated for optimal
performance with waterborne traffic marking paint. The glass beads shall have a minimum
of 70% Rounds as measured according to ASTM D1155. The surface of the glass beads
shall be free of pits and scratches. The glass beads retained on the #40 U.S. Mesh Sieve (425
microns) shall have minimum crush strength of 30 pounds in accordance with ASTMD
1213.The glass beads shall conform to either of the following gradation specifications.
P40 or equivalent
U.S. Standard(Sieve Number) Size in Microns %Passing by weight
20 850 90 – 97
30 600 50 – 75
40 425 15 – 45
50 300 0 – 15
80 180 0 - 5
AASHTO M247 Type 1 or equivalent
U.S. Standard(Sieve Number) Size in Microns % Passing By Weight
20 850 100
30 600 75 - 95
40 425 -
50 300 15-35
80 180 -
100 150 0-5
Post time: Aug-27-2024