

Glossary of High Index Glass Beads

Glossary of High Index Glass Beads1

Refractive Index: The refractive coefficient of glass bead to light. They are divided into series of 1.5Nd, 1.9Nd,2.2Nd. Nd is the unit of refractive index.

Roundness Ratio: It means the percentage of round glass bead with total glass bead. The higher value, the better quality.

Opacity: It means the percentage of nontransparent glass bead with total glass bead. The lower value, the better quality.

Retro-reflection: When the light illuminates surfaces, if the light returns its source, it will be retro-reflection. When the objects have more than 1.9Nd refractive index, there will be formed retro-reflection.

“Encapsulated-Lens” type retro-reflective articles: A cover film disposed in front of the glass bead, and on the front of the glass bead while retaining their air-incident interface so as to maintain the necessary optical relationships for retro-reflective.
High intensity grade reflective sheet belongs to this type. Said glass bead are 1.9nd glass bead.

“Enclosed-Lens” type retro-reflective articles: A cover film disposed in front to the glass bead so that said bead do not exposed in air. Engineering Grade and Super Engineering Grade belong to this type. Said glass beads are 2.2nd glass bead.

“Exposed-Lens” type retro-reflective articles: Glass beads are in the surface of reflective article and exposed in air. Reflective fabric, reflective leather, reflective ink and reflective paint belong to this type. Said beads are 1.9Nd glass bead.

Glossary of High Index Glass Beads3

Post time: Aug-28-2024